Blog Archive2022-08-21T22:18:02+10:00

And now “the whole enchilada” organized by publication date

Who Do You Trust?

“The greatest thing in the world is to know how to belong to oneself.”   Michel de Montaigne We so often do not feel safe in this world.

Fire and Ice

"She's fire and ice. You fear the cold and crave the burn" J.M. Storm I'm talking, of course, about the Fire and Ice Lover.  You are captivated by

The Seductive Past

It’s so often said that it’s almost a platitude: “There is only one reality and that is one you are living in the present moment”.  And it is

Toxic Shame Remedies

In another blog piece I address the issue of Good Shame vs Bad Shame. The “good” shame affect (or emotion) is hardwired into us. It’s an evolutionary survival

Good Shame / Bad Shame

Not all shame is bad, though many rail against it. Certainly shame is painful. The psychotherapist Silvan Tompkins, developer of Affect Theory, defined shame as an “interruption to

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