Recovery Insights2022-08-22T10:12:06+10:00

Recovery is a journey, not a destination

No Water As Deep…

“There is no water as deep as denial” Anonymous But denial of what? Usually reality or at least our perception of it. In other words, denying the way

The Gift of Willingness

“Nothing is easy for the unwilling." Gaelic Proverb Willingness to change, being ready to do something differently, is the foundation upon which transformation of people and situations is

Recovery from addiction is a journey and not a destination.

And it all starts with a decision…

Addiction takes many forms. But regardless of the form (substance or process), recovery is a journey which begins with a decision to change. The journey is taken one moment at a time, one day at at a time. It may be patchy. It may be difficult. But it is a road infinitely worth traveling. Sharing the journey with others can help.

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