Mary Rizk
Transformative Writer, Counselor, Mediator, Coach
B. Arts, M. Arts, M. Ed. Studies (Guidance & Counseling)
Welcome to my website
The topics and themes that I explore in this space emanate from my many years in the helping professions as an accredited counselor, mediator, restorative justice specialist and certified relationship coach.
My writings also derive from living a life — navigating, and at least so far surviving, the many ups and downs that existence on this planet delivers.
The themes that I write about generally center on inner change, interpersonal relationships, conflict transformation, codependency and addiction recovery — all very much part of the human condition, at least in my observation. Sometimes those themes are explored separately and sometimes they are interwoven.
My wish is that you find my writings a source of inspiration and enjoyment.
Resenting others may soothe your insecurities and make you feel better about yourself for a time, but eventually it will cause you more problems than it cures.
The Gift of Gratitude
Gratitude is a quality commonly promoted by personal growth experts, spiritual leaders and addiction recovery programs. But is it a throw-away term that sounds nice but empty of meaning or power? Or does it really
Resentment Rebound & Recovery
“Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die” St Augustine. Interesting observation. However, resenting the hell out of someone can be satisfying, even fun at times, don’t you think? After
Compassion May Be Situational But Decency Is Not
"When the norm is decency, other virtues can thrive: integrity, honesty, compassion, kindness, and trust.” Raja Krishnamoorthi To begin with, let’s define our terms. What are compassion and decency? Are they the same, different or